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Almost a month

5 May

Wow. Just wow. I haven’t noticed it’s almost a month since I last posted a blog entry.

I’m sorry, but I do have a valid excuse. Really, I do. I’ve been busy with my internship (albeit unpaid), travel plans and what not. Those count, right?

I missed blogging about the mundane things that strangely interest me. I even had a dream once about blogging. Really, I was blogging in my sleep. Imagine how much you’d have to miss something for you to have dreams about it. Did you miss my monologues as well? Yeah, that’s rhetorical cause I’m just going to assume that the response to that is a shining shimmering ye-e-es! I know, I know. Blonde moment. Must be from the excitement of getting to blog again. 🙂

So I’m just going to try to fill you in with the many many many many things that happened since I’ve gone all M.I.A. on you guys. Well, for the things I still remember, by the way.

So bear with me as I flood my blog with lots* of backlog entries on the upcoming days. Or if you look forward to my posts (which I will assume that you all do), then it’s going to be an extremely early Christmas.


*as many as my lazy arse can possibly write and recount accurately